Will Reid is a gawky kid who wears fake turtlenecks, is obsessed by his ant farm project, and is lousy at gym. In other words, he's the perfect target for Shane, the Grade 9 bully. Katie has been Will
Will Reid is a gawky kid who wears fake turtlenecks, is obsessed by his ant farm project, and is lousy at gym. In other words, he's the perfect target for Shane, the Grade 9 bully. Katie has been Will's friend in elementary school, but defending him in the high school environment comes at an unforeseen cost - she dreads the rumours that link them in a boyfriend/girlfriend way she's never considered. Devan has been part of Shane's bullyboy team until now, when he comes to realize that it's not so smart to mindlessly back up each nasty attack of Shane's. Together the three young teens are struggling to find their way out of one of the classic dilemmas of life: how not to be a bystander to bullying, how to stand up for your friends, and how to deal with consuming rage.
Young readers will find lots to think about as they turn the pages of this crisp and compelling story by newcomer Caroline Pignat. Each character takes a turn at telling the story — through the spare blank verse of Will, wrapped up in the world of his single-parent father and his own eccentric preoccupations; through the clear-eyed accounts of Katie, wrestling with her own private demons; and in the sensitive narrative of the slowly awakening Devan, who comes to notice Katie as a spunky, attractive individual whom he'd like to know better but fears thinks he's a goof.
Kids Help Phone's has included Egghead on their site as a book to help kids in their 'Get Information' section under Bullying for Ages 13 and Up.
"Pignat explores the sensitive issue of bullying from three different perspectives, weaving the narratives together to give the reader a sense of plot without overdoing any particular scene. . . At the climax of the story, the bullying escalates to a life-threatening incident, and the impact affects all three of the protagonists. With a sensitive ending that does justice to the characters, the situation, and reality, the issues are supported by Pignat's clear prose and sensitive treatment of the perspectives of three very different characters."
Highly recommended—
CM Magazine"Teens will empathize with the characters and see the personality types inherent within themselves or in their schools."
— School Library Journal
". . . a sensitive examination of bullying and its psychological roots."
— Booklist
"The novel is satisfying and provocative, leaving readers with much food for thought. Hopefully more titles are on the horizon from this gifted writer."
— The StarPhoenix (Saskatoon)
"Egghead is a sensitive portrayal of the dynamics behind bullying, peer pressure, and search for identity."
— The Bureau County Republican
"The complicated boundaries of friendship are challenged and redefined in this story."
— Today's Parent
"The events of this novel are as poignant as they are deplorable, and students will likely see themselves or someone they know in each of the captivating characters. The novel is a quick and easy read and the format lends itself nicely to a character study as well as illustrating different features of text. The use of poetry and short, perspective-driven chapters make this an enjoyable and highly teachable resource."
— Professionally Speaking
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Caroline Pignat graduated from the University of Ottawa with a Bachelor of Education and a Bachelor of Arts in English and Religious Studies. After working with children and youth for over fifteen years in roles such as teacher, seminar facilitator, mentor and coach, she began her writing career.
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Red Maple Book Award - Fiction Honour Book 2009
Snow Willow Award Nominee 2009
CLA Young Adult Canadian Book Award shortlist, 2009
Canadian Children's Book Centre Our Choice, 2009
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First printed in November 2007, Egghead celebrated its 10th anniversary and is still selling strongly. Egghead is in its 11th printing and the E-book is available.
The book was author Caroline Pignat's first book and garnered several awards and nominations. Since the publication of Egghead Caroline has written four books with Red Deer Press, including 2 Governor Generals Awards winners for the best Canadian book in the Young People's Literature - Text category. Greener Grass won in 2009 and The Gospel Truth won in 2015.
Click here to see our Egghead 10th Anniversary page. The page includes an interview with Caroline about writing Egghead and some pictures highlighting Caroline's career with Red Deer Press.

Click here to see the Teacher's Guide.
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